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Escape Overwhelm!

1+1 does not = 2

​Join me for a fast paced 8 week program to better your business!

Harness the power and synergy of a motivated group of business owners. Learn together, share experiences, and leverage this network to help you grow your business. Each 75-minute session will follow a loose agenda based on a maximum of 10 and a minimum of 5 owners or executives.

How the Group Programs Work

There will 4 Series, each with a unique theme.

Each participant will do a pre and post Series personal call lasting 15-20 minutes to set the stage. The pre Series call is intended to meet with Wayne, gain an understanding of what you are specifically looking to get out of the Series and offer feedback to Wayne.

You will have about 30 minutes of prep work for each weekly session. It could be to watch a video, read a book summary, and/or review an online blog or article.

​Each Series will be 8 weeks, but if there is a Statutory Holiday during the Series, we will add an extra week to enjoy the holiday.

1. Escape Overwhelm - Strategic Planning

​2. Escape Overwhelm - Raise Your Revenue Generation IQ

​3. Escape Overwhelm - Own Your Team and Schedule

​4. Escape Overwhelm - Lead With Purpose

You cannot just book into one of these - you must have a call with Wayne first to see if we are a fit.

© Action Leadership Inc. 2025

All Rights Reserved

624 Cantor Landing SW, Edmonton, T6W 0V6

[email protected]