Need More Revenue and Better Client Relationships in your Business or Profession?

Months into Moments Mastermind Live Event
Strategies to Relationship & Revenue Growth 

A single day in-person business intensive with like-minded entrepreneurs and professionals to drive revenue based on incredible client relationships!

Intended for everyone who has a customer/client facing or revenue generation responsibility. 

Check back to see when we will be in your location!

Still not sure if this is for you? Book a phone call with Wayne to discuss!

What is the "Months into Moments Mastermind Live - Strategies to Relationship and Revenue Growth" Event?

Intended for everyone who has a customer/client facing or revenue generation responsibility. 

Revenue is the Oxygen or Lifeblood of any Business!

How solid is your Foundation for Succes?

Do you really understand Revenue Generation? It is way more than just Marketing or Sales. Like selling, everyone thinks they can do it -- until they have to! Stop chasing your tail and the next order and gain a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to drive revenue growth.

Throughout this 1 day event, we are going to focus on what it takes to create predictable and sustainable revenue generation and growth, and even more importantly, high margins and profitable revenue.

People like to work, collaborate and spend time with people they like and who are like them. Learn how to ethically leverage that to Stack the Deck in your Favour.

There will be presentations, discussions, fun exercises and more to drive home key strategies and tactics that you can immediately put to use in your business or profession.

By attending this event, you will significantly Raise Your Revenue Generation IQ and, in the process, have learned how to build and execute an Enhanced Revenue Generation Strategy that includes, in part:

The #1 Reason people will want to Buy from You,

What it takes for others to feel Compelled to work with You,

Become comfortable understanding and dealing with Objections and Rejection, and

Discover the 'SECRET' of Never having to 'Close' again!

Check back to see when we will be in your location

Coming to a City near you soon including Edmonton, Calgary, BC Lower Mainland, Victoria, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, London, Hamilton, Greater Toronto Area, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax - check back often for specific cities and dates!

Real Success Stories

See and hear from individuals who have already personally benefited with the transformative power of Wayne's teachings and mentorship. Join this community of high achievers who have taken their business to the next level.

Dorian Widling, Veteran Entrepreneur

Parag Amin, PC Lawyer

“Wayne has an out-of-the-box style. He has a large toolbox of resources for his clients. He brings a challenging and thought-provoking, questioning attitude to coaching. And he helps you figure out the problem, and then supports you to come up with the solution.”
Lauren Zumbusch, Expert Office

"I highly recommend Wayne if you are open to learning and implementing business strategies, whether it is about growth, time management, work-life balance or the actual organization of your business.”
Sean Gerke, Sean Gerke Real Estate

Create Breakthroughs and Breakout with Unbelieveable Results!

Whether you are just starting or are a seasoned and experienced owner, entrepreneur or business professional

This event is your Roadmap to an intentional and purposeful 2024 and beyond. Put feeling overwhelmed, uncertain and stressed in the rear view mirror. This event will teach you exactly what to do to create financial abundance and time freedom in your business and life!



This is not a pump you up event. Are you going to leave inspired and motivated – I sure hope so. Not because of any rah rah stuff, but because you now have a vision and strategies and plans that are compelling.

This is not a show up event. This is going to be hard work. You will be challenged to think and act differently than you ever have before. In fact, you will even have some pre event ‘homework’ so you come well prepared.

This is not a pay your money and take your chances event. If you do not get incredible value for your time and money our No Ifs, No Ands and Definitely No Buts Guarantee will offer you a partial or full credit for any of our other programs and services.


This is a learning event. Whether you attend just 1 or both days, you are going to learn multiple strategies that you will be able to immediately implement in your business or profession.

This is a get er done event. Once registered, you are going to be asked to do some pre work to complete and bring to the event. Over the course of the event, you are going to have a number of breakout sessions to continue the work.

This is a networking event. There will be lots of time to meet and network with all the other participants. Use this time to trade contact information or better yet book appointments to meet outside the event to discover collaboration opportunities.

But most of all, this is a TAKE ACTION event.
Vision without Action is Just a Dream,
Action without Vision is Just Wasting Time,
Vision Coupled with Action can Change Anything and Everything.

Check back to see when we will be in your location

Still not sure if this is for you? Book a phone call with Wayne to discuss!



Here are 6 Important Things to know about Wayne Fredin

Army Officer

25 total years Regular and Reserve service. In final role before retiring, he led the Army Communications Reservists in BC from 2006 2011. On a part time basis, averaged over 100 total days per year while doing #2 an #3 below . Supported by a full time team of 25 and responsible for over 250 soldiers in 3 Units in Victoria, Vancouver and Nanaimo and an annual budget of over $2.5M. Met and exceeded all objectives 5 years in a row.

Business Turn-Around Executive

As GM of a newly acquired $10M public company that had consistently lost money for years, he turned a net profit of almost $500,000 in the 1 st year without any layoffs. Accomplished this by implementing a 90 day Break Even plan, focusing on international sales and marketing channels and streamlining manufacturing and logistics.

Sales Executive

In 2007 he became first VP Sales of a post IPO TSX public company. In first year increased revenue by 28% and gross profit by 41%. Managed a $3M sales budget, grew sales team from 7 to 39 and implemented a Sales Management System with best practices to drive growth. In first year as National Sales Manager for a private company that had flat revenue for 5 years, he grew the revenue by over 21% with an average gross margin of 35%.

Business Owner

In partnership with his Dad, from 2003 to 2007, was the Canadian channel partner for a Houston based oil and gas software company. Grew from 3 14 customers and doubled gross revenue every year. Provided sales, installation and ongoing support. Implemented an Operations and Training Manual and a Current Business Plan to drive early results.

Executive Trainer, Author, Publisher

In 2015 wrote and self published Sales Leadership: Distinctions With a Difference . With 40+ years of experience as an Army Officer, a Sales Executive and a Salesman in public and private companies and having been self employed, e shares his most fundamental lessons. In 2018 he created the Take Action Sales Academy , an online sales and leadership website and in 2020 created Take Action Results for Leadership and Business Mentoring.

Husband, Father, Grandfather and Avid Golfer

Happily married to Maureen since 1981, father of 2 amazing sons: Eric and Keith and grandfather of 4. Voracious reader, enthusiastic golfer , wannabe global traveler and self
professed workaholic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) & Concerns

What if I have to Cancel?

You will get a credit against any other program or service I offer valid for a year from the date of the event. You will still have access to the bonus items.

What if I do not show up with no prior notice?

No show = no credit but if it is a real emergency that causes you to not show then reach out and we will figure something out.

I like the idea but I cannot give up 1 or 2 days of my time.

My first question back would be do you own your schedule or does it own you? If you are unable to commit to at least 1 day for something happening a couple to many weeks from now, you are not really in control. Sorry if that hurt, but it is absolutely true.

Too expensive.

There are really 2 sides to this concern. First you should look at this not as an expense but rather as an investment. All investments should offer a return. The second part is the return itself. If you do not believe the value is at least what I am offering, then I have failed you in delivering that value message effectively. Focus perhaps on just the Amplify Your Profits Strategy – even if you were only able to increase your net profits by 40-50% over the next year, would it now be worth it? And remember my guarantee…

Everything you are doing I can find it online.

No and yes. On the YES side for example, if you type How to do a Strategic Plan into Google and I just did this, it shows 1.8 Billion results. Really – how are you supposed to wade through all of that to find the few articles, videos or whatever that give you what you need? In our very first segment you are going to learn all about The Mastery Continuum and why Directed Learning is so much better than Do it Yourself Learning.

On the NO Side, the Business Power Team Strategy and Amplify your Profits Strategy are my creations so you may find stuff online that claims to be the same but I can commit to you now they are not. For example, my Amplify Your Profits strategy is based on an excel spreadsheet – all math. One of the pre-event homework assignments will be to figure out and bring your ‘metrics’ to run your numbers. And you will get the spreadsheet as a tool you can use anytime to want.

So Yes, you can absolutely can try to do this yourself but you have been able to do that now for months or even years, so what will change to get you doing it now? Commit to the event and just get it done!

Copyright 2023 Action Leadership Inc. All rights reserved.  780-399-7199

Cantor Landing SW, Edmonton, AB

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